Amanda Limbert
Intuitive - Medium - Mentor

My Journey as an Intuitive
I have been a lifelong intuitive with a passion for helping others to find their own light and guidance. I have the ability to provide insight into your journey and connect you with your loved ones who have passed on.
At 6 years old, I had a near-death experience. I had vomited while asleep and as I began to lose air, I was pushed out of my body through what felt like a pin-hole. It was a very strange experience to say the least and rather scary for this little girl. I briefly saw my body as if I was looking down on it. Immediately after seeing this I went right back into my body and woke up choking and attempted to yell for my parents. I tried to tell my parents about it the best I could, but they just didn't know what to make of it and probably chalked it up to the stress of the event.
Not long after that experience, I began to see "shadows" and movement in my room at bedtime before falling asleep. I also felt beings around me and had vivid dreams of things that would happen after having the dream (also known as pre-cognition). I even began to see bright lights and geometric shapes in the air and around others.
Understandably, as a child who was afraid and unsure of what was happening to me, I felt very self-conscious about having these occurrences. No one else I knew was having them and my family was unsure how to deal with them when I did feel comfortable to share about them. Over time, the experiences diminished, though I continued to have very vivid dreams, experience occasional visual phenomena, and could sense deeper things about others.
As an adolescent, I started to question my spirituality and the cause of these experiences. While in college, I began a journey to understand more about what was occuring. I found that we all naturally have intuitive capabilities and can sense what I know now is non-physical energy. I felt drawn to learning how to develop and sharpen my intuitive abilities and eventually dedicated my life to helping others to embrace and develop their own intuitive gifts.
I Love What I Do!!
I am especially dedicated to guide those individuals with heightened sensitivities and spiritual gifts to embrace them and feel safe in expressing their uniqueness. I have learned that everyone is gifted with spiritual gifts, yet not everyone feels safe in exploring them. I am honored to walk beside you as you embrace your magnificence. Everyone deserves to be all they came here to be. I am here to help others step into their power, remember their truth, and connect with the greatest aspects of themselves.
Intuitive Development and Mediumship
Helping Children of Light / Starseeds (Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow Children) Embrace Their Spiritual Gifts
Assisting Parents in Communicating with their Pre-Natal / Infant / Special Needs Children
Guidance with Twin-Flame / Soulmate Relationships
Clarity about Global and Personal Ascension
I am proud to say I have studied professional mediumship with two nationally recognized mediums - John Holland and Suzane Northrop
My Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor Trainer is Michelle McCarthy with the Heart2Heart Healing Connection.
School Reading Events
I have been a reader for hundreds of students at some of the region's best colleges and universities. Here are a few locations I have done events at:
UMass Amherst, Northeastern University, Boston College, UConn, Fairfield University, Sacred Heart University, Quinnipiac University, University of New Haven, Framingham State University, Amherst College, Wheaton College, Rhode Island College, Johnson and Wales and Franklin Pierce University.
I have also been honored to be part of many high school Grad Night celebrations. Here are a few schools I did readings for the seniors:
MA - Bellingham, Winchester, Braintree, Oxford, Duxbury, Lincoln-Sudbury
CT - Tolland, Madison, Deep River, Taft School, Westminster School and Simsbury
RI - Barrington